Highly Multilingual Coreference Resolution Exploiting a Mature Entity Repository

Josef Steinberger
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (2011)




@inproceedings{steinberger.et.al.2011ranlpcoref, author = "Josef Steinberger and Jenya Belyaeva and Jonathan Crawley and Leonida Della-Rocca and Mohamed Ebrahim and Maud Ehrmann and Mijail Kabadjov and Ralf Steinberger and Erik Van der Goot", title = "Highly Multilingual Coreference Resolution Exploiting a Mature Entity Repository", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing", pages = "254-260", editor = "Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, Nikolai Nikolov", publisher = "Incoma Ltd.", url = "http://www.aclweb.org/anthology-new/R/R11/R11-1035.pdf", year = "2011" }
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